Ministry of Environment and Energy


Who we are

The Ministry of Environment and Energy has the mission of preserving and improving the quality of the environment, the spatial and urban planning of the country, promoting development in the field of energy and fossil raw material and coordinating waste management according to the principles of sustainable development. 

To achieve this mission, the Ministry, taken its executive and coordinating role, plans and promotes the management and preservation of natural resources, biodiversity and the aquatic environment; the implementation and supervision of the national policy on energy and climate; the security of energy supplies and sufficiency for the energy needs of the country; research and exploitation of hydrocarbons; utilization of alternative energy sources; energy performance and policies for decarbonisation; rational, sustainable and environmentally friendly utilization of non-alternative energy sources and fossil raw material; planning of the national forest policy; the integrated spatial planning on a national, regional and local level; urban planning and preservation of the architectural legacy.  

The General Secretariat for Coordinating Waste Management, which is part of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, supervises and coordinates the activity of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of the Interior, as well as other responsible Services and public or private bodies in the field of solid and urban waste management with the aim of promoting the national and regional planning for waste management. At the same time, it promotes the national strategy in waste management and makes sure that the regulations and principles of the European and national environmental legislation regarding public contracts are followed.